Little remains of Lebanon's iconic cedar forests and the 'Trees for Lebanon' project wants to bring them back. It is fighting for the environment and against discrimination and poverty at the same time.
Global Teen: Lebanon
Nemeh Mohsin is 15-years-old, and lives in Tripoli, Lebanon. He does karate, likes school, and wants to be a lawyer one day.
Lebanese Elections Assistance Project
Produced by Beirut Film Institute Directed by Bachir Abouzeid
The ILO Arab States
“I am a mother, a wife, a carpenter, a construction worker, and anything else I wish to be!”
The ILO Arab States - منظمة العمل الدولية، المكتب الاقليمي للدول العربية's EIIP programme in Lebanon empowers women workers through training and inclusion in construction works.
Beirut, a year after the port explosion
Produced by Road2Films Directed by Cynthia Choucair